Volunteer Service and Summer Camps
You want to work for peace, understanding, solidarity, gain experience living abroad and becoming part of an international volunteer group?
With ASF, you can get involved for one year in a variety of areas that promote remembrance and social justice. Or you can immerse yourself in an ASF summer camp experience for two weeks where you promote peace and understanding in a specific project.
“As a hosting organization, HIAS Pennsylvania deeply appreciates what ARSP does and values our partnership. Over the years, ARSP volunteers have contributed to our organization’s mission every day by helping our clients with their legal documents and job applications, getting homes ready for our newly arrived refugees, and accompanying them to various appointments, to just name a few. We are grateful for this collaboration opportunity to prepare and empower young leaders to address the toughest challenges that the world is facing today through our shared values and common goals. ”
Director of Social Services HIAS Pennsylvania